Academic 咨询 & Student Support

We always have our thumb on the pulse of our student body. We listen to what our students say. 在回应, we have made changes to our daily class schedule and shifted and augmented support services to meet the needs of our students. We recognize the importance of teaching young adults intangible skills such as time-management, how to self-advocate, and when to seek help from teachers or others.

How We Are Different

We are happy to say that we are not like anybody else. Here’s what makes us stand out from the rest:

  • We have intentionally made our faculty more accessible to our students simply by the grouping and placement of their offices on campus.
  • 学生 have scheduled Individual Learning Time (ILT) up to four times a week. During this time, students can seek faculty assistance, complete assignments, or work on group projects.
  • No matter what age we are, we all need “recess” time. Family and House meetings during the school day make a great break (recess). During these student-led meetings, they develop leadership skills, grow and strengthen friendships, and refresh their minds.

的 MH - MA Schedule

We have structured the daily class schedule to reflect what students can expect in college. Each day is different, but week to week remains the same. Class times vary in length between 85, 55, and 25 minutes. 

Since implementing the MH - MA schedule, we have seen increased class participation, better-prepared students, and more student participation in extracurricular activities.

Student Support

A structured environment is a key component to developing positive habits. We have built in the following student support sessions into the daily life of our students:

Individual Learning Time (ILT)
We have built time into the class schedule during which students report to a designated study space and work individually or in groups. 

Mandatory Learning Time (MLT)
ILT changes to Mandatory Learning Time (MLT) for students with an academic grade below 70%. Teachers may impose a higher grade requirement (such as 75% or 80%) depending on what the teacher deems appropriate for the class and a particular student. 

We require MLT students to meet with the teacher until their academic grade is reestablished and/or accountability and responsibility are reestablished. Once a student has returned to satisfactory levels, they may return to ILT. 

Structured Learning Time (SLT)
If faculty and/or our academic team determines a student needs more support, then MLT is transitioned to Structured Learning Time (SLT). SLT students report to a specific location and follow a homework checklist and/or receive tutoring, depending on what they need. A specific SLT teacher works with the student individually until the student’s academic grades and commitment to learning improves.

Special Courses

Navigating new surroundings, preparing to graduate, college entrance exams, and adjusting to a new culture can seem daunting to young adults (or anyone, for that matter!). We’ve developed special courses to guide them through these challenges.

Freshman Seminar
Senior Seminar
ACT/SAT Prep Course
International Seminar - International 学生 Only
TOEFL® Prep Course - International 学生 Only